Estimados visitantes de RentMen: FinnReid eligió responder 6 preguntas de la entrevista que fueron actualizadas por última vez el 05 Aug 2020.


  • ¿Qué tipo de dieta y rutina de ejercicios sigues?
    I have worked out all my life and will never stop, same goes for food/diet. I was taught to cook from a young age and love it.
  • ¿Con qué frecuencia viajas? ¿Prefieres viajar o eres una persona hogareña?
    Pre-COVID I would travel globally for work and pleasure numerous times per year. Now, I am enjoying being home, not racing from airport to airport. There is something to be gained from getting to know and appreciate your home.
  • Si nos sentamos en la playa, a beber y comer solo tú y yo, ¿qué me contarías de tu persona y tu vida?
    I would most probably tell you that my experiences in life all started at the age of 21 when I graduated from University and moved to London, United Kingdon. From this point on my life has been full of adventure, fun, emotion, challenges, and somewhat transient, having lived in 5 countries to date.
  • ¿Qué deben saber otros con absoluta certeza acerca de ti?
    I love to talk, laugh, smile and engage people from all walks of life
  • ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de ti?
    My positive mindset to manifest positive outcomes, and my learned ability to block out unnecessary noise, in both a professional and corporate setting.
  • Nombra 5 cosas sin las que no puedes vivir.
    Avocado, Coca-Cola, 420, the company of other men, travel and the beach