Estimados visitantes de RentMen: SirTomahawk eligió responder 6 preguntas de la entrevista que fueron actualizadas por última vez el 24 Oct 2022.


  • ¿Cuéntanos un poco acerca de ti mismo? Algo que te gustaría que otros sepan absolutamente sobre ti.
    That I have the worst sweet tooth in the world but I absolutely abhor chocolate in any form.
  • ¿Qué te distingue de todas las demás personas que conoces?
    Definitely my sense of style and my long hair. Most guys hate it, all girls envy it. What can I say?
  • ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos e intereses?
    A LOT OF READING!!! But I do like writing, again weightlifting, Muay Thai boxing, traveling, riding my motorcycle when I have a chance, and doing a lot of secret side projects.
  • ¿Con qué frecuencia viajas? ¿Prefieres viajar o eres una persona hogareña?
    As much as I would like to stay home, traveling has opened so my mind to so many opportunities and different ways of life that I wouldn't change for the world. I tend to travel a lot but with everything going on in the world, I had to slow down a bit. Nonetheless, the traveling bug has bit me again and I'm ready to go.
  • Nombra 5 cosas sin las que no puedes vivir.
    *A notebook
    *A suitcase
    *Common sense

    It can very though...
  • ¿Qué tipo de dieta y rutina de ejercicios sigues?
    I hit the gym 5x a week with a combination of cardio and weightlifting. In addition, I have a diet preplanned for me by my trainer who gives me a mixture of proteins, fats, and carbs.